About Me

Hey! Gabriella here, and welcome to my lovely blog! :) So, I guess I'll start with the basics: teen who is in love with a bunch of randomness. I'd always wanted to blog, and well, here I am doing exactly that! Enjoy! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Glow

Well, it has certainly been a while since I last reviewed something, but since it was summer, I wasn't quite as able to review as I am during the year. So…I have quite a string of books that I've just been dying to review!
I think I'm going to start off with The Glow by Helen Whapshott.

So, this is a really adorable story. I really liked it, which I found rather surprising because generally, the whole 'ghost' thing, isn't really my thing. But, this book has got to be the exception. I really don't want to spoil it for anybody, but seriously...READ IT! It was fantabulous, and if anyone is to say otherwise, they deserve a slap across the face, because I loved it! 

Till next time!